
71 produkti

    Patirkite didžiausią paprastumą su mūsų vienspalvių tapetų kolekcija, pasižyminčia vokiška kokybe ir plačiu spalvų pasirinkimu. Pagerinkite savo sienas elegantiška ir modernia išvaizda, neapsunkindami erdvės nereikalingais raštais ar tekstūromis. Pasitikėkite vokiečių gamybos tapetų ilgaamžiškumu ir patikimumu, kad bet kurį kambarį paverstumėte švariu ir rafinuotu prieglobsčiu.
    71 produkti
    Visiškai sklandžiai dažomi tapetai AS Creation 953131 (0,75 x 25 m) AS Creation
    Visiškai sklandžiai dažomi tapetai AS Creation 953131 (0,75 x 25 m) AS Creation
    Dažomi tapetai 3505441 (1x25m), 150gr/m2
    Krāsojamās flizelīna tapetes ar dabisku līniju AS 244017 (1.06x25m) AS Creation
    Krāsojamās flizelīna tapetes ar dabisku līniju AS 244017 (1.06x25m) AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 734461 (1.06x25m)
    Krāsojamās flizelīna tapetes ar struktūru - baltas 305916 (1.06x25m) AS Creation
    Krāsojamās flizelīna tapetes ar struktūru - baltas 305916 (1.06x25m) AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 1125374 (1.06x25m)
    Tapetai 1151153 (0,53x10m) EKO be PVC AS Creation
    Tapetai 1151153 (0,53x10m) EKO be PVC AS Creation
    Dažomi tapetai su gipso raštu, 1151153, (0,53x10 m), ECO, be PVC
    AS Creation
    AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 3502505 (1.06x25m)
    Dažomi tapetai 3476106 (0,53x10m) EKO be PVC AS Creation
    Dažomi tapetai 3476106 (0,53x10m) EKO be PVC AS Creation
    Tapetai su linijų tekstūros raštu, 3476106, (0,53x10 m), ekologiški, be PVC
    Krāsojamas tapetes ar smalku faktūru AS Creation 305817 AS Creation
    Krāsojamas tapetes ar smalku faktūru AS Creation 305817 AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 1125231 (0,53x10 m)
    Krāsojamas tapetes ar ļoti smalku faktūru 323613 (0.53x10m) PROTECT+ AS Creation
    Krāsojamas tapetes ar ļoti smalku faktūru 323613 (0.53x10m) PROTECT+ AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 1170035 (0.53x10m) Pro
    Augstākas kvalitātes krāsojamas tapetes AS Creation 241511 (0.53x10m) AS Creation
    Augstākas kvalitātes krāsojamas tapetes AS Creation 241511 (0.53x10m) AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 727547 (0.53x10m) Pro
    AS Creation
    AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 3435103 (1.06x25m)
    Tapetes 248619 As Creation (1.06x25m) AS Creation
    Tapetes 248619 As Creation (1.06x25m) AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 745453 (1.06x25m)
    Krāsojamas vācu tapetes AS Creation 932310 (0.53x10m) AS Creation
    Krāsojamas vācu tapetes AS Creation 932310 (0.53x10m) AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 3434726 (0,53x10 m)
    Krāsojamas tapetes tīri baltā krāsā ar ģipša struktūru, 248718 AS Creation
    Krāsojamas tapetes tīri baltā krāsā ar ģipša struktūru, 248718 AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 745616 (0.53x10m) Pro
    Krāsojamas tapetes ar izliektas līnijas dizainu AS 245014 (1.06x25m) AS Creation
    Krāsojamas tapetes ar izliektas līnijas dizainu AS 245014 (1.06x25m) AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 736426 (1.06x25m)
    Lygūs dažomi tapetai 130g/m² - neaustinės medžiagos dažymui ir taisymui, 606515 (1,06x25m) AS Creation
    Lygūs dažomi tapetai 130g/m² - neaustinės medžiagos dažymui ir taisymui, 606515 (1,06x25m) AS Creation
    Lygūs dažomi tapetai 130g/m² - dažų taisymo neaustinis audinys, 606515 (1,06x25m), PURE
    Krāsojamas tapetes ar retro struktūras dizainu, 250513, Vācija AS Creation
    Krāsojamas tapetes ar retro struktūras dizainu, 250513, Vācija AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 751221 (0.53x10m) Pro
    Krāsojamas tapetes ar smalku faktūru AS Creation 354541 (0.53x10m) AS Creation
    Krāsojamas tapetes ar smalku faktūru AS Creation 354541 (0.53x10m) AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 1264355 (0,53x10 m)
    Krāsojamas tapetes ar ādas faktūru 928818 (0.53x10m) AS Creation
    Krāsojamas tapetes ar ādas faktūru 928818 (0.53x10m) AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 3426062 (0,53x10m)
    Krāsojamas tapetes ar vertikālam līnijam - baltas 320051 (1.06x25m) AS Creation
    Krāsojamas tapetes ar vertikālam līnijam - baltas 320051 (1.06x25m) AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 1161063 (1.06x25m)
    Krāsojamās tapetes ar svītrām ģipša izskatu - baltas AS 951014 AS Creation
    Krāsojamās tapetes ar svītrām ģipša izskatu - baltas AS 951014 AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 3501346 (1.06x25m)
    Krāsojamās tapetes ar retro dizainu tekstila izskatā, 250612 AS Creation
    Krāsojamās tapetes ar retro dizainu tekstila izskatā, 250612 AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 751364 (1.06x25m) Pro
    Krāsojamas tapetes ar auduma rakstu AS 953414 (0.70x10m) PROTECT+ AS Creation
    Krāsojamas tapetes ar auduma rakstu AS 953414 (0.70x10m) PROTECT+ AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 3506106 (0.70x10m) Pro
    Krāsojamas tapetes AS Creation 306616 (0.53x10m) AS Creation
    Krāsojamas tapetes AS Creation 306616 (0.53x10m) AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 1126670 (0,53x10 m)
    Tapetes 934661 as creation (1.06x25m) AS Creation
    Tapetes 934661 as creation (1.06x25m) AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 3441405 (1.06x25m)
    Krāsojamas tapetes profesionāļiem ar apmetuma rakstu 967718 (1.06x25m) AS Creation
    Krāsojamas tapetes profesionāļiem ar apmetuma rakstu 967718 (1.06x25m) AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 3542046 (1.06x25m) Pro
    Visiškai sklandžiai dažomi tapetai AS Creation 953131 (0,75 x 25 m) AS Creation
    Absolūti gludas krāsojamas tapetes AS Creation 953131 (0.75x25m) AS Creation
    Dažytini tapetai 3505453 (0,75x25m) 150gr/m2
    Dažomi tapetai 3531525 (0,53x10m) EKO be PVC AS Creation
    Dažomi tapetai 3531525 (0,53x10m) EKO be PVC AS Creation
    Tapetai su faktūriniu raštu, 3531525, (0,53x10 m), ECO, be PVC
    AS Creation
    AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 1264735 (0,53x10 m)
    Krāsojamas tapetes AS Creation 252715 (1.06x25m) PROTECT+ AS Creation
    Krāsojamas tapetes AS Creation 252715 (1.06x25m) PROTECT+ AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 755453 (1.06x25m) Pro
    AS Creation
    AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 1127176 (1.06x25m)
    Tapetes 354521 AS Creation (0.53x10m) AS Creation
    Tapetes 354521 AS Creation (0.53x10m) AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 1264331 (0,53x10 m)
    Krāsojamas tapetes ar struktūru 934651 AS Creation (0.53x10m) AS Creation
    Krāsojamas tapetes ar struktūru 934651 AS Creation (0.53x10m) AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 3441373 (0,53x10 m)
    Krāsojamās flizelīna tapetes ar lina tekstila izskatu AS 521118 AS Creation
    Krāsojamās flizelīna tapetes ar lina tekstila izskatu AS 521118 AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 1771636 (1.06x25m)
    AS Creation
    AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 740536 (1.06x25m)
    Krāsojamas tapetes no AS Creation 951611 (0.53x10m) AS Creation
    Krāsojamas tapetes no AS Creation 951611 (0.53x10m) AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 3502473 (0,53x10 m)
    Dažomi tapetai 3531670 (1,06x25 m) EKO be PVC AS Creation
    Dažomi tapetai 3531670 (1,06x25 m) EKO be PVC AS Creation
    Dažomi tapetai su smulkia tekstūra, 3531670, (1,06x25 m), ECO, be PVC
    Tapetai 3526572 (1,06x25 m) EKO be PVC AS Creation
    Tapetai 3526572 (1,06x25 m) EKO be PVC AS Creation
    Dažomi tapetai su barokiniu ornamentu, 3526572, (1,06x25 m), ECO, be PVC
    Krāsojamas tapetes ar ģipša struktūru, izturīgas, PRO, 248817 AS Creation
    Krāsojamas tapetes ar ģipša struktūru, izturīgas, PRO, 248817 AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 745761 (1.06x25m) Pro
    Krāsojamas tapetes ar strīpainu virsmu AS Creation 927514 (0.53x10m) AS Creation
    Krāsojamas tapetes ar strīpainu virsmu AS Creation 927514 (0.53x10m) AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 3423432 (0,53x10 m)
    AS Creation
    AS Creation
    Spalvos tapetai 1263763 (1.06x25m)
    Nesen skatīts