With nature motifs

283 products

    Wallpaper with natural motifs designed to be elegant and beautiful. These high quality wallpapers with leaf and floral motifs in different colors offer a natural look for any room. Enjoy a attention -attracted look in any room with these stunning wallpaper.

    283 products
    Wallpapers with exotic leaves in green shades on textile texture, 1664223
    Wallpaper with jungle and tropical leaves, dark green, 387202 AS Creation
    Wallpaper with jungle and tropical leaves, dark green, 387202 AS Creation
    Wallpaper with jungle and tropical leaves, dark green, 1364202
    Jungle wallpaper with leaves and flowers, matt: green and cream, 1401624 AS Creation
    Jungle wallpaper with leaves and flowers, matt: green and cream, 1401624 AS Creation
    Jungle wallpaper with leaves and flowers matt: green and cream, 1401624
    AS Creation
    AS Creation
    Wallpaper with floral ornaments - 1241663
    Wallpapers with ferns in industrial style in green, 377402 AS Creation
    Wallpapers with ferns in industrial style in green, 377402 AS Creation
    Wallpapers with ferns in industrial style in green, 1341072
    Multicolored wallpapers with a detailed floral pattern, 389011 AS Creation
    Multicolored wallpapers with a detailed floral pattern, 389011 AS Creation
    Multicolored wallpapers with a detailed floral pattern, 1367623
    Wallpaper with palm pattern AS 377085 green and black AS Creation
    Wallpaper with palm pattern AS 377085 green and black AS Creation
    Ecological wallpapers without vinyl and phthalates, 1340375
    Jungle style wallpaper - green, white, 1373365 AS Creation
    Jungle style wallpaper - green, white, 1373365 AS Creation
    Jungle -style wallpaper - green, white, 1373365
    Wallpaper with banana leaves and palms in green tones, 1663570
    Wallpaper with exotic leaves: dark green, 1402134 AS Creation
    Wallpaper with exotic leaves: dark green, 1402134 AS Creation
    Wallpaper with exotic leaves: dark green tones, 1402134
    AS Creation
    AS Creation
    Wallpaper - 1311211
    Turquoise wallpaper with palm leaves AS Creation 363853 AS Creation
    Turquoise wallpaper with palm leaves AS Creation 363853 AS Creation
    Wallpaper with palm leaves in green tones, 1306515
    Children's wallpaper with jungle animals - green, 1350337 Without PVC AS Creation
    Children's wallpaper with jungle animals - green, 1350337 Without PVC AS Creation
    Baby wallpapers with jungle animals - green, 1350337, without PVC 🌿
    Ecological wallpapers for children's room (no phthalates and vinyl) - 1273720 AS Creation
    Ecological wallpapers for children's room (no phthalates and vinyl) - 1273720 AS Creation
    Ecological wallpapers for children's room (no phthalates and vinyl), 1273720
    Floral wallpaper with flowers and birds: white and green, 1402065 AS Creation
    Floral wallpaper with flowers and birds: white and green, 1402065 AS Creation
    Flower wallpapers with flowers and birds: white and green, 1402065
     AS Creation 376521 Wallpapers with tropical forest in green Tapetenshop.lv
     AS Creation 376521 Wallpapers with tropical forest in green Tapetenshop.lv
    Hypoallergenic wallpapers 1337311
    Eco-friendly wallpaper with jungle leaves, without PVC, green - 1362515 AS Creation
    Eco-friendly wallpaper with jungle leaves, without PVC, green - 1362515 AS Creation
    Ecological wallpapers with jungle leaves, without PVH, green - 1362515
    Jungle floral wallpaper with leaves and flowers, 1402051 AS Creation
    Jungle floral wallpaper with leaves and flowers, 1402051 AS Creation
    Flower wallpapers in jungle style with leaves and flowers, 1402051
    Ecological wallpapers for children's room (no phthalates and vinyl) - 1273755 AS Creation
    Ecological wallpapers for children's room (no phthalates and vinyl) - 1273755 AS Creation
    Ecological wallpapers for children's room (no phthalates and vinyl), 1273755
    Jungle wallpapers with banana leaves: peppermint green, 389054 AS Creation
    Jungle wallpapers with banana leaves: peppermint green, 389054 AS Creation
    Jungle wallpapers with banana leaves and metallic effect: mint green, 1367676
    AS Creation
    AS Creation
    Wallpaper with pink flamingo on green leaves, 1276572
    Wallpaper with floral pattern in bright color and pink background 373363 AS Creation
    Wallpaper with floral pattern in bright color and pink background 373363 AS Creation
    Wallpaper with floral pattern in bright color and pink background 1331163
    Wallpaper with flowers in painting style, canvas look, green, 369211 AS Creation
    Wallpaper with flowers in painting style, canvas look, green, 369211 AS Creation
    Wallpaper with flowers in painting style, canvas look, green, yellow, 1321073
    Wallpaper in botanical style with exotic leaves, green - 3710457 Erismann
    Wallpaper in botanical style with exotic leaves, green - 3710457 Erismann
    Wallpaper in botanical style with exotic leaves, green, 3710457
    from €31.00
    Wallpaper with cranberries and floral motifs in the Eastern style on a white background 374642 Tapetenshop.lv
    Wallpaper with cranberries and floral motifs in the Eastern style on a white background 374642 Tapetenshop.lv
    Wallpaper with cranberries and floral motifs in the eastern style on a white background
    Wallpaper with exotic leaves: dark green, 1402133 AS Creation
    Wallpaper with exotic leaves: dark green, 1402133 AS Creation
    Wallpaper with exotic leaves: dark green, 1402133
    Wallpaper with fern leaves in light shades, 2107327
    AS Creation
    AS Creation
    Wallpaper with flowers, birds and twigs - beige, 1310666
    Wallpaper with sunflower and metallic effect - green, cream 376852 AS Creation
    Wallpaper with sunflower and metallic effect - green, cream 376852 AS Creation
    Wallpaper 1340024
    Wallpaper with floral pattern with glossy effect and fine texture, zalā, 1367733 AS Creation
    Wallpaper with floral pattern with glossy effect and fine texture, zalā, 1367733 AS Creation
    Wallpaper with a floral pattern with a shiny effect and fine texture, zala, 1367733
    Wallpaper with exotic leaves, matt: green, 1402173 AS Creation
    Wallpaper with exotic leaves, matt: green, 1402173 AS Creation
    Wallpaper with exotic leaves matt: green, 1402173
    Non-Woven wallpapers with large palm leaves: dark green, 1372361 AS Creation
    Non-Woven wallpapers with large palm leaves: dark green, 1372361 AS Creation
    Non-Woven wallpapers With large palm leaves: dark green, 1372361
    Wallpaper with large leaves in bright colours, 1373447 AS Creation
    Wallpaper with large leaves in bright colours, 1373447 AS Creation
    Wallpaper with large leaves in bright colors, 1373447
    Wallpaper with tropical motifs with red -brown tropical leaves as 378622 AS Creation
    Wallpaper with tropical motifs with red -brown tropical leaves as 378622 AS Creation
    Wallpaper MS1343376
    Wallpaper with parrots and flowers in the jungle - green, gray - 1351540 AS Creation
    Wallpaper with parrots and flowers in the jungle - green, gray - 1351540 AS Creation
    Wallpaper with animals and flowers in the jungle - green, gray, 1351540
    Wallpaper with animals in the jungle, children's motif - green, 387241 AS Creation
    Wallpaper with animals in the jungle, children's motif - green, 387241 AS Creation
    Wallpaper with animals in the jungle, children's motif - green, 1364251
    Wallpaper with exotic birds and animals in blue shades 379904 Tapetenshop.lv
    Wallpaper with exotic birds and animals in blue shades 379904 Tapetenshop.lv
    Wallpaper with exotic birds and animals in blue tones 1346000
    Wallpaper with flowers and butterflies, matt: in soft shades, 1402030 AS Creation
    Wallpaper with flowers and butterflies, matt: in soft shades, 1402030 AS Creation
    Wallpaper with flowers and butterflies, matte: gentle shades, 1402030
    Tapetes RASCH - dažādas lapas zaļos, zilos, rozā toņos, 465310 RASCH
    Tapetes RASCH - dažādas lapas zaļos, zilos, rozā toņos, 465310 RASCH
    Wallpaper RASCH - various leaves in green, blue, pink tones, 1614636
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