Wallpaper gluing in the corners
Inner and outer corners
Inner corners
Given Non-woven Simplicity of wallpaper gluing, the first inner corner of the room will meet very quickly. Wallpaper can be lowered without problems to the edge of the right angle, but stick the next band at the joint.
Outer corners
The use of a plastic profile corner always provides a "clean" wallpaper edge, even if the edges of the outer angle are uneven. With the help of a contact, the profile rail is glued on the outer corner, the edges are sanded and scrubbed. Now the wallpaper can be easily glued tightly to the edge. Apply a dispersion acrylic paint before gluing Non-woven Wallpaper shade.
Tip: If the edges of the inner corner are uneven, the strip is glued to the corner so that it moves on the adjacent wall by 2 cm. The protruding part must make several cuts. The next strip is adjusted vertically and glued to the top.
Using a cartridge gun, apply a thin acrylic film to the corner to achieve the perfect joint.
Angles can also be glued with natural Non-woven wallpaper Master.